We have a couple of DPs inserted inside every row of an ASP GridView. Grid styles are implemented via defining styles for Grid's TR and TD.
Code: CSS
.aspGridView {
.aspGridView tr {
.aspGridView td {
However, said styles became inherited by the two outer TDs of each DP; the one holding TextBox and the one with PopupImage. We tried every possible Style property in DP to get rid of that, without luck. BTW, we are customising all DP entities:
Code: Visual Basic.NET
thisDP.PickerStyle.CssClass = "dpTextBox"
thisDP.CalendarStyle.CssClass = "dpCalendar"
thisDP.TitleStyle.CssClass = "dpCalTitle"
thisDP.DayHeaderStyle.CssClass = "dpCalDay_Hdr"
thisDP.MonthStyle.CssClass = "dpCalMonth"
thisDP.MonthTitleStyle.CssClass = "dpCalTitle"
thisDP.DayStyle.CssClass = "dpCalDay_Entry"
thisDP.TodayStyle.CssClass = "dpCalDay_Today"
thisDP.OtherMonthDayStyle.CssClass = "dpCalDay_Disabled"
thisDP.SelectedDayStyle.CssClass = "dpCalDay_Selected"
thisDP.DayHoverStyle.CssClass = "dpCalDay_Hover"
Could you please indicate how to access those TDs or at least the outer table of DP?
Saed Hamdan"Man may be destroyed but not defeated" -Hemmingway