Rank: Advanced Member Groups: Member
Joined: 1/9/2009 Posts: 97
I currently use to 3rd party controls Your and Obout, Inc. Mainly because i like the way obout does their Grids with styles, sorting, filtering etc.. But your grid can do column moving which is a plus. I think trying to combine your 2 girds would make for one hell of a Grid Control.
Also, make like a samples page where you have real life samples and senerios that can be updates like Obout does. You cant get ahold of their support for your life but there samples and examples of how to do things is extensive enough usually to avoid having to even contact them. This could help out on the load on the support form as well.
Also things like Cool dropdown/combo box, textboxes, etc would also be cool controls that you can integrate with ajax for things like autosuggest etc.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,296
Thank you very much for your excellent suggestion. Your feedback is very valuable for us and it will definitely help us to improve our product and service.
I am sure different products from different vendors all have their own respective characters and strengths. We do our best to maintain ours and make sure it offers the best value. However it is also very helpful to hear views from our customers regarding what they view as important and useful. We can not guarantee that we will adopt your view because different users can have very different views. However it is always our goal to offer the best value on the market.