Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 8/1/2007 Posts: 5
I try to open a dialog on the main page using a button that is in the custom web control. The control is added dynamically. There can be more than one. I did it using JavaScript which load from the main page. The code works except the dialog box closed itselft in 2 seconds. Does anybody has a idea about this? Thanks. here is the code:
Code: JavaScript
// button click.
function OnMoreButtonClick(buttonName,buttonNumber)
return false;
// find the button.
function Initialize()
var button = document.getElementById('f1_MoreButton');
if (button != null)
button.onclick = function () { OnMoreButtonClick ('f1_MoreButton',1); };
here is the dialog
<eo:dialog id="MoreDialog" style="Z-INDEX: 127; LEFT: 316px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 925px"
runat="server" Height="200px" Width="300px" ClientSideOnAccept="OnMoreDialogOkay" AcceptButton="MoreDialogOkayButton" CancelButton="MoreDialogCancelButton" BackShadeColor="Black" BackShadeOpacity="50" BackColor="White" AcceptButtonPostBack="True">
<asp:Button id="MoreDialogOkayButton" runat="server" Text="Okay"></asp:Button>
<asp:Button id="MoreDialogCancelButton" runat="server" Text="Cancel"></asp:Button>
<TABLE id="Table1" cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="1" width="300" border="1">
<asp:Label id="Label23" runat="server">SubProject</asp:Label></TD>
<asp:DropDownList id="MoreDialogSubProjectDropDownList" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:Label id="Label25" runat="server">Area</asp:Label>
<asp:DropDownList id="MoreDialogAreaDropDownList" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:Label id="Label26" runat="server">Package</asp:Label></TD>
<asp:DropDownList id="MoreDialogPackageDropDownlist" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:Label id="Label27" runat="server">Activity</asp:Label></TD>
<asp:DropDownList id="MoreDialogActivityDropDownlist" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList></TD>
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,301
I tried your code and it works fine at here. So it appears to be something else in your page that's closing the dialog (or even reloaded the whole page). Our dialog does run any timers to close itself. So you might want to try it with a blank page and then compare that with your page to find out what triggered the problem.