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Nested Callback problem and tools to debug them Options
Tommy Kan
Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2007 7:25:09 AM
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Joined: 7/1/2007
Posts: 17

I have problem with the callback panels generating the following message.

The callback on 'ctl03_ctl00_cbPanelCheques' has failed because the server did not reconize this callback and processed it as normal request. This can occur if there are multiple Callback/CallbackPanel control was initially dynamically loaded but wasn't loaded for this callback.

I have had this problem during development before but after carefull cleanup of the code, this problem disappeared. While we are doing User Acceptance Testing, this problem comes up but it s very unpredictable, sometimes if comes up after users has been on the system for 5 minutes and going through different part of the application. Looks lik the pattern is after they use it for a while after a number of callbacks has occured. There is no definite places where it break, the worst thing is that after it happened, it will affect all users, looks like the server dll is stuck and I cannot clear the error unless I redeploy the code. When it happened during development, I have to close the project and reopen to clear the problem.

Can you please give me some advise on the following:

1. How to clear the problem when it occur in a production env? restart IIS or server etc.
2. Is there any limitation to how many nested callback I can have? I have about 3 nested level of controls with callback panels and they are all dynamically loaded.
3. Is there any debugging tool or option to see how the EO is handling the callbacks?

I need to have a quick fix for this because I am holding up the UAT right now.

Thanks in advance.
Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2007 8:32:57 AM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298
Hi Tommy,

This problem indicates a server side code error so there is no real solution/workaround except for locating and fixing the server side code error. You can find more information about this error at here:


I would suggest you to either run the code inside a debugger, or handle Application_OnError to catch the exception information that your application may have been throwing. Once you have those, you can then try to find some patterns between the exception logs and this error message and further locate the code error.

Tommy Kan
Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2007 8:37:57 AM
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Joined: 7/1/2007
Posts: 17
I will try to debug my code further. Is there any explanation why I have to redeploy code to stop the error? Is it because the EO dll is still loaded in memory? but how come I cannot reset the server by restart IIS?

Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2007 9:36:57 AM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298
Hi Tommy,

I do not really know why that happens. The error you are seeing is a very "page" related error and our CallbackPanel does not remember anything between requests. So my guess is that it has to do with some information that your application is "remembering" (such as session info, etc).

IIS and your web server are two slightly different things. Simply put, IIS is what takes request, and your web application is what handles request. Usually ASP.NET runs inside a separate process (w3wp.exe on Windows 2003, for example) than IIS. So I wouldn't be supprised if restarting one works but restarting the other one does not.


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