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Time picker Options
Paul Creedy
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2007 1:39:53 AM
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Similar to the datepicker I have a need for a time picker.
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2007 6:33:04 AM
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Hi Paul,

It's already there. The latest DatePicker supports time. Please download it and check its PickerFormat property.

Paul Creedy
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2007 7:28:36 AM
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Right, I've downloaded and installed it, but what do I put in the format to make it a time picker?
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2007 7:38:49 AM
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Hi Paul,

It will be a Date and Time picker, not just timer picker. You can put stuff like "hh" for hours, "mm" for minutes. For the complete list please refer to the document along with the installation.

Paul Creedy
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2007 7:45:29 AM
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I have it displaying the date/time with dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm but how do you select a time?

Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2007 8:01:00 AM
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No. You do not "select" the time, you "enter" the time directly.
Paul Creedy
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2007 8:42:40 AM
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Ah! right! I was expecting a scroll list with times in 5 minute increments with the abilty to overtype of enter other times.

I get a problem with users entering times in the wrong format or invalid times.

I can format to hh:mm to get rid of the date so it only shows the time, but the date selector icon is still there. How can I get rid of it as there's no need for it to be there if they are only entering a time and it would confuse them.

Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2007 8:50:50 AM
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Hi Paul,

You can wait for our MaskedEdit control :) Or you can set the DatePicker's PopupImageUrl, PopupHoverImageUrl and PopupDownImageUrl to "Blank". It's a 1 by 1 transparent image, so theoretically user can still find and click on it. :)

Paul Creedy
Posted: Thursday, August 2, 2007 8:52:06 AM
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Posted: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:35:20 PM
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Joined: 12/18/2007
Posts: 20
A proper time picker would be appreciated even from us! Maybe it will have two text boxes - on for the hours and the other for the minutes with a scroller next to each of them

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