Hi Robert,
When things are in two different Web User Controls then you got to have a little bit more code. :)
The easiest way I see is to drop the Trigger and initiate the callback manually. In order to do this you will need to:
1. Set the menu's RaisesServerEvent to false. You need to set it to true in order to use the menu as a trigger, since this solution will not use trigger, you will need to set it back to false;
2. Add the following Javascript code in the first .ascx file (where your menu sits):
Code: JavaScript
function menu_item_click_handler(e, info)
eo_Callback("Callback2", info.getItem().getValue());
Note at here you will need to replace "Callback2" to the
ClientID of the second CallbackPanel.
3. Set the menu's ClientSideOnItemClick to "menu_item_click_handler". Of course you are free to change the function name. The key is this value matches the name of the function in step 2;
Now when you click the menu, it will trigger the second CallbackPanel, which triggers your server side Callback_Execute event. Inside your Execute event handler, you can use e.Parameter to retrieve the Value property since you passed it over (with the second argument) when you call eo_Callback on the client side.