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Joined: 6/1/2007 Posts: 1
The control is in the <ItemTemplate> of a repeater control that is in an <asp:UpdatePanel>:
. . . <td class="XNoWrap" style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"> <eo:DatePicker ID="dtpStartDate" Visible="true" SelectedDate="<%#Convert.ToDateTime(((eCMS.CoreLib.ProductPriceEntryPageItemView)Container.DataItem).EffectDateBegin)%>" runat="server" DayCellSpacing="6" DisableWeekendDays="false" TitleVisible="true" TitleFormat="MMMM , yyyy" OtherMonthDayVisible="false" MonthRows="1" MonthColumns="2" WeekSelectorHtml=">> " TitleRightArrowHtml=">" TitleLeftArrowHtml="<"> <CalendarStyle CssClass="DTPCalendarStyle" /> <TitleStyle CssClass="DTPTitleStyle" /> <TodayStyle CssClass="DTPTodayStyle" /> <DisabledDayStyle CssClass="DTPDisabledDayStyle" /> <DayHeaderStyle CssClass="DTPDayHeaderStyle" /> <TitleArrowStyle CssClass="DTPTitleArrowStyle" /> <PickerStyle CssClass="DTPPickerStyle" /> </eo:DatePicker> </td> . . . Note this only ocurrs in IE7. No error in IE6. We remove the control from the <ItemTemplate> and the exception goes away. Does this control operate in an Ajax environment?
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,298
Thanks for posting your question here. We will look into it and get back to you as soon as possible.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,298
Hi Doug,
We looked into the issue and it appears that error message occurs when the browser did not correctly get our JavaScript files. A number of scenarios can cause this to happen. A few most important things to check are:
1. Check whether you have eo_web.ashx on your app's root directory. This file is used to render all our JavaScript files;
2. Check your directory permission settings if your website support logins. If eo_web.ashx exists, but is only accessible to logged in users, then the Javascript files will not be correctly rendered to anonymous users;
3. Check whether you have some client side third party filters that incorrectly filtered out our Javascript files;
To answer your last question, yes, our controls operate in an AJAX environment. We support ASP.NET AJAX and our own CallbackPanel control.
Please let us know how it goes.