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Error of EO.WebBrowser on windows 10 64bit ARM CPU Options
Posted: Sunday, March 26, 2023 9:27:16 PM
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Joined: 4/10/2016
Posts: 14
After upgraded to version 2023.1.25, I got this error message: "This version of EO Dlls suppoert 64 Bit Windows only. Please contact Essentail Objects if you also need to support 32 Bit Windows.". I am using 64 bit window 10 Home edition and ARM CPU. Please help. Can you send me the 2023 version for ARM CPU?
Posted: Monday, March 27, 2023 9:47:54 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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We have sent you the x86 build download location through private message. We do not have a native ARM build so we do not officially support ARM platform. However Windows ARM build supposes to be able to run x86 binairies without modification. So please let us know if the x86 build works for you.


Posted: Thursday, November 2, 2023 8:23:17 AM
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Joined: 12/14/2012
Posts: 6
Hi, Im receiving the same error. We are executing the application over a Windows 7 Professional 32 bit and we get the same error:
"This version of EO Dlls suppoert 64 Bit Windows only. Please contact Essentail Objects if you also need to support 32 Bit Windows."

My application that use the EO DLLs is a x86 compilation.

In my case, the OS is Windows 7 32 bit, isn't an ARM architecture.

My EO Version es 2023.01.25

Thank you.
Posted: Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:57:00 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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You are using the 64 bit DLLs. This message will ONLY be triggered from 64 bit DLLs. You won't receive this message from x86 DLLs.

You can check whether your DLL is 64 bit DLL by checking the value of this property:


If this property returns true, then you are using 64 bit DLLs. You need the version that returns false from this property.

Posted: Thursday, November 2, 2023 1:07:30 PM
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Joined: 12/14/2012
Posts: 6

Thank you, I ran this method EO.Base.Runtime.IsX64 and I received TRUE. Can you give me a x86 install version?

If is possible, the same version 2023.01.25 for x86. Where do you leave the download link?

Thank you.

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