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Uploader in Dialog Options
Ed Arthur
Posted: Monday, June 25, 2007 3:45:50 PM
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I got the Uploader working completly. Love it!

Now I have 1 more issue... the uplodad is on a web page.

When I display that web page as Content URL in a diaplog box, I have the following issues:
The Text box for the browse is transparent and showing thru the page behine. the browse button is also funky... doesn't show text - looks like it is disabled but it still works.

The rest of the buttons - progress bar etc are fine.

I set opacity of dialog to 100 and to 0 - it didn't affect it.


Posted: Monday, June 25, 2007 3:53:14 PM
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Thanks for posting the question here, we will look into it and see what we can find.
Posted: Monday, June 25, 2007 4:29:04 PM
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Hi Ed,

The issue seems to be related to the shadow of the dialog. As a workaround, try to set the dialog's ShadowDepth to 0 and see if it works.

Ed Arthur
Posted: Monday, June 25, 2007 5:12:16 PM
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Thanks, Works perfectly
Posted: Friday, June 29, 2007 11:55:51 AM
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I experienced the same problem and found the shadow depth to 0 did fix things BUT...

The Browse button's function seems to be shifted in X into the middle of the file name text box. That is, clicking the Browse button itself does nothing. Clicking the center of the text box causes the browse dialog to appear. Clicking at either end of the text box does nothing.
Reinaldo Ferreira
Posted: Friday, June 29, 2007 1:58:40 PM
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which control is free, i´m intersted on popup calendar, but it says:

Free license is not available for this control type. Please check other controls.
Posted: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:18:18 PM
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Reinaldo Ferreira wrote:
which control is free, i´m intersted on popup calendar, but it says:

Free license is not available for this control type. Please check other controls.

hi, Reinaldo

Please see this post for more detail:

Posted: Friday, June 29, 2007 7:19:57 PM
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Perry Kivolowitz wrote:
I experienced the same problem and found the shadow depth to 0 did fix things BUT...

The Browse button's function seems to be shifted in X into the middle of the file name text box. That is, clicking the Browse button itself does nothing. Clicking the center of the text box causes the browse dialog to appear. Clicking at either end of the text box does nothing.


That looks like a bug. I will see if there is any good way to work around that.

Posted: Friday, June 29, 2007 8:59:45 PM
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Perry Kivolowitz wrote:
I experienced the same problem and found the shadow depth to 0 did fix things BUT...

The Browse button's function seems to be shifted in X into the middle of the file name text box. That is, clicking the Browse button itself does nothing. Clicking the center of the text box causes the browse dialog to appear. Clicking at either end of the text box does nothing.

Hi, Perry Kivolowitz

Do you still have that problem?
I tried it too, and after I changed the depth to 0, everything seems working fine. I don't have the problem about Browse button getting shifted.

Posted: Friday, October 26, 2007 9:34:01 PM
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The issue seems to be related to the shadow of the dialog. As a workaround, try to set the dialog's ShadowDepth to 0 and see if it works.

Any timeframe on fixing this? I would like to have a drop shadow with my uploader's dialog box.

Posted: Saturday, October 27, 2007 6:00:27 AM
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Hi David,

The drop shadow dialog and uploader rooted in an IE bug and so far we haven't been sucessful in finding an effective workaround yet. One thing you can do is to implement the drop shadow by yourself. This would involving stacking two DIVs (or any other block elements) together, setting the background color of the lower DIV to the shadow color and setting the background color of the upper DIV to the dialog's background color. You will then shift the upper DIV a few pixels towards to left and top to explose a slim "shadow" rendered by the lower DIV (Using position:relative). Your dialog contents will be in your upper DIV.


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