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Cannot set a proxy on WebBrowser .NET Framework Options
Posted: Saturday, February 8, 2025 6:34:48 AM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 2/8/2025
Posts: 1

I have a problem setting a proxy on the eo webbrowser on WinFroms under .NET Framework
I have checked the previously asked questions but I have not find an answer that works,
Here is my code:

Code: C#
EO.WebEngine.Engine engine1 = EO.WebEngine.Engine.Create("test");

            ProxyInfo proxy = new ProxyInfo(ProxyType.HTTP, "", 1899, "user", "pass");
            engine1.Options.Proxy = proxy;

            webControl1 = new EO.WinForm.WebControl();
            webView1 = new EO.WebBrowser.WebView();
            webView1.Engine = engine1; 

            webControl1.WebView = webView1;
            webView1.Url = "https://www.ipaddress.my/";

The page opens with my local IP address, I have tried changing to proxy type to HTTPS and the same thing happened. I also tried to change the proxy on the application level
EO.WebEngine.EngineOptions.Default.Options.Proxy = proxy;
and samething no proxy changing.

Anyone else has the same issue?

thank you
Posted: Sunday, February 9, 2025 4:16:00 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298

Your code looks fine. If you can PM us with the actual proxy info we can test it here to see what we can find (we assumed the proxy info you posted is not the actual information since it's not a good idea to post it in a public forum).


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