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How Can I Implement a Location-Based 'What County Am I In' Feature Using Essential Objects' Web Browser Components? Options
Posted: Thursday, August 22, 2024 12:35:18 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 8/22/2024
Posts: 1
I’m currently exploring how to integrate a feature into my web application that determines and displays the user's county based on their location. Specifically, I am interested in leveraging Essential Objects' web browser components to achieve this.

To provide some context, the feature I’m aiming to implement is similar to a "what county am in" tool. This tool typically works by using the user's geographic coordinates, often obtained via IP address or GPS, to identify and display their current county. I understand that Essential Objects provides various web components, but I am unsure of the best approach to achieve this functionality using their tools.

Here’s what I’m looking to accomplish:

Geolocation Integration: I need to obtain the user’s geographic coordinates accurately. I’m considering using Essential Objects’ web browser components for this purpose. Can these components interact with geolocation APIs, or do they have built-in functionality for handling such data?

County Lookup: Once the geographic coordinates are obtained, the next step is to identify the county. This usually involves querying a geographic information system (GIS) or a similar service that can map coordinates to specific counties. Is there a recommended way to handle this within the Essential Objects framework, or would I need to integrate external services?

Displaying Information: After obtaining the county information, I need to display it within the web application. Can Essential Objects' components facilitate the dynamic updating of web content based on user location data?

I’m looking for guidance on how to effectively use Essential Objects' components to achieve these goals. Specifically, I would appreciate any examples, documentation, or advice on how to utilize these tools for integrating a "what county am I in" feature. Additionally, if there are best practices or common pitfalls to avoid when working with location-based features using Essential Objects' components, that information would be invaluable.

Thank you for any assistance or insights you can provide on implementing this functionality with Essential Objects' tools.

Posted: Thursday, August 22, 2024 3:59:00 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298

You will need to have many different components working together to achieve what you need. EO.WebBrowser can acts as the "hub" where all these different components interact with each other.

At the core level, EO.WebBrowser is a browser engine that displays a HTML page and runs JavaScript code inside the page. The actual location information must be obtained from an outside service (for example, Google GeoLocation Service). Your JavaScript code in your HTML page will be responsible to contact such service, getting the geolocation information, and then display it.

To begin with, you can experiment with Google's GeoLocation service because it's not only free to start, but also is natively supported by EO.WebBrowser. To use Google's GeoLocation Service, you must acquire your account credential from Google and then set those credential in EO.WebBrowser:


After that you can use EO.WebBrowser's built-in GeoLocation support to get location information. See here for technical details:


Here is some sample code to get location information:

Code: JavaScript
function getLocation() {
    if (navigator.geolocation) {
        navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showPosition, error);
    } else {
        document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Geolocation is not supported by this browser.";
function showPosition(position) {
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Latitude: " + position.coords.latitude + 
    "<br>Longitude: " + position.coords.longitude; 

function error(err)
	alert("failed to get location:" + err.message);

<div onclick="getLocation()">test<div>
<div id="demo"></div>

Note this only gives you latitude and longitude. You will still need to find additional service that will take latitude/longitude and return actual country/city information for you. You can search online and you should be able to find many such service/libraries.

Hope this will help you to get started.


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