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Hi Support,
We had issues in related to the PDF generation. After analysis. We have updated the PDF plugin to the latest version Also made all the possible recommendations suggested by EO.
Please find the down below code we are using. I have the runtime log as 50MB file. Can you please let me know how I can upload the file and send it to you.
EO.Pdf.Runtime.AddLicense(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EOPdfKey"].ToString()); EO.Base.Runtime.EnableEOWP = true; PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); bool isdocumentcreated = false;
var options = new HtmlToPdfOptions() { MaxLoadWaitTime = 12000, ZoomLevel = 1.5f, TriggerMode = HtmlToPdfTriggerMode.Auto }; HtmlToPdfResult result = HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(HTMLCONTENT, doc, options); converteddoc.Save(documentfilepath); HtmlToPdf.ClearResult(); string eolog = EO.Base.Runtime.GetLogs(); WriteLogToLocal(eolog, "Error");
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Hi, The log you sent to us showed everything BEFORE the failure so everything is normal in the log. You need to capture the log AFTER the failure. So you can use code like this:
Code: C#
HtmlToPdfResult result;
result = HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(HTMLCONTENT, doc, options);
string eolog = EO.Base.Runtime.GetLogs();
WriteLogToLocal(eolog, "Error");
This way the log only gets generated when the conversion fails. You can then send that log to us and we will see what we can find. Thanks!
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Thank you for the reply. I have uploaded a new file generated after an exception and updated via contact us screen. Please take a look at this and let us know the cause. This is really affecting our clients and our clients are not able to use our platform.
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Any luck in getting us a solution for this. Please help. It is becoming a problem for our customers and cannot answer them.
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Thanks for the new logs. We do see some problem in it but we are still trying to construct the exact scenario how it happened. It appears that the problem occurs due to some kind of restarting/recycling actities. We will reply here again when we have an update.
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Is there any update on this, It is been 10 days?
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Sorry for the delay. We are still working on this because we have not been able to construct a conclusive case to recreate this problem. We may need to add more logs to create a test build and have you run the test build in order to collect more logs. In that case we should be able to provide you the test build by the end of the week. Once again we are really sorry that it took this long.
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This is just to let you know that we have emailed you with a new test build. Please take a look and let us know how it goes.
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I have attached a 1st phase of the log for debugging.
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Is this the log captured after the exception? We do not see the same "Child process exited unexpectedly" exception in this log.
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We had microsoft azure to look into the details while waiting for you. They have given some logs as well. Just wanted to share with you.
SP IP Function 000000cbcb9f9988 0000000000000000 InlinedCallFrame 000000cbcb9f9988 0000000000000000 InlinedCallFrame 000000cbcb9f9950 00007ffcf0ec9f9c DomainBoundILStubClass.IL_STUB_PInvoke(IntPtr, IntPtr, Byte[], Int32, Int64 ByRef) 000000cbcb9f9a20 00007ffcf0ec9e01 EO.Internal.rqkz.ahqs(IntPtr, Byte[]) 000000cbcb9f9af0 00007ffcf0eda899 EO.Internal.rqkz.vrtj[[System.Int32, mscorlib]](IntPtr, Int32) 000000cbcb9f9bf0 00007ffcf0ed9a8d EO.Internal.rqme+btam+jaao..ctor(btam, IntPtr) 000000cbcb9f9e20 00007ffcf0ec8e69 EO.Internal.rqme+btam.ekwp() 000000cbcb9fa570 00007ffcf0ec7b6d EO.Internal.rqme+btam.iqjq(EO.Internal.rqmh[], System.String, System.String) 000000cbcb9fa640 00007ffcf0eb7a36 EO.Internal.rqme.mlor(Boolean ByRef, EO.Internal.rqmh[], System.String, System.String) 000000cbcb9faa30 00007ffcf0eb6662 EO.Internal.rqme.bcau(EO.Internal.rqmh[], System.String, System.String) 000000cbcb9fab10 00007ffcf0ebdaaf EO.Internal.rqme+btan.stge() 000000cbcb9faca0 00007ffcf0ebd339 EO.Internal.rqme+btan.bcau() 000000cbcb9fad60 00007ffcf0eb9f29 EO.Internal.rqme.mlos() 000000cbcb9fae50 00007ffcf0eb7253 EO.Internal.rqme.mlor(Boolean ByRef, EO.Internal.rqmh[], System.String, System.String) 000000cbcb9fb240 00007ffcf0eb6662 EO.Internal.rqme.bcau(EO.Internal.rqmh[], System.String, System.String) 000000cbcb9fb320 00007ffcf0eb65c4 EO.Internal.rqmf.bcau(System.String, System.String) 000000cbcb9fb360 00007ffcf0eb1479 EO.Internal.fics.vrjz() 000000cbcb9fba70 00007ffcf0eafd7b EO.Internal.fics+bhmm.aoqk() 000000cbcb9fbb40 00007ffcf0eaf403 EO.Internal.rqhy.iqjq(EO.Base.Action) 000000cbcb9fbbc0 00007ffcf0eaf2bf EO.Internal.fics.bwwv(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity) 000000cbcb9fbc70 00007ffcf0eaeceb EO.WebEngine.Engine.Start(System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity) 000000cbcb9fbd60 00007ffcf0eae978 EO.WebEngine.Engine.Start() 000000cbcb9fbd90 00007ffcf0eacc0d EO.Internal.itry.bstr() 000000cbcb9fbf10 00007ffcf0ea5b48 EO.Internal.itrz.bstr(EO.Internal.itry ByRef) 000000cbcb9fc010 00007ffcf0ea4eb8 EO.Internal.itsa.bstr(EO.Internal.ficn, EO.Internal.itry ByRef) 000000cbcb9fc180 00007ffcf0ea4772 EO.Internal.itsd.mmbu() 000000cbcb9fc2b0 00007ffcf0ea436b EO.Internal.itsd..ctor(EO.Internal.ficn, EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfOptions) 000000cbcb9fc360 00007ffcf0e7ebb6 EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession.nkur(EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfOptions) 000000cbcb9fc4c0 00007ffcf0e7d13f EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession..ctor(EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfOptions, EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession) 000000cbcb9fc5e0 00007ffcf0e7b67e EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession.Create(EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfOptions) 000000cbcb9fc680 00007ffcf0e7b0ef EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf+ohps.msdu()
000000cbd087bc90 0000000000000000 InlinedCallFrame 000000cbd087bc90 0000000000000000 InlinedCallFrame 000000cbd087bc60 00007ffcf2e88329 DomainBoundILStubClass.IL_STUB_PInvoke(Int32, IntPtr[], Int32, UInt32, UInt32) 000000cbd087bd20 00007ffcf2e881fe EO.Internal.rqis.qwst(IntPtr[], Int32) 000000cbd087bdc0 00007ffcf2e9ee21 EO.Base.WaitableTask.wgmo(IntPtr[], Int32) 000000cbd087bed0 00007ffcf2e9eaa1 EO.Base.WaitableTask.wgmo(EO.Base.WaitableTask[], IntPtr[], Int32) 000000cbd087bfa0 00007ffcf2e9e2c7 EO.Base.WaitableTask.wgmn(Boolean, EO.Base.WaitableTask[], Int32) 000000cbd087c160 00007ffcf2e9de3b EO.Base.WaitableTask.WaitOne(Int32) 000000cbd087c1d0 00007ffcf2e9c02d EO.Internal.itsd.mmce(EO.Internal.itmt, System.String, System.String, System.String, Int32, Int32, System.String, Boolean) 000000cbd087c400 00007ffcf2e9b879 EO.Internal.itsd.aikp(EO.Internal.itmt, System.String, System.String, System.String, Int32, Int32, System.String, Boolean) 000000cbd087c4f0 00007ffcf2e9b4f0 EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession.aikp(EO.Internal.itmt, System.String, System.String, Int32, Int32, System.String, Boolean) 000000cbd087c5c0 00007ffcf2e9b02c EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession.aikp(EO.Internal.itmt, System.String, System.String, Boolean) 000000cbd087c680 00007ffcf2e9ad76 EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfSession.LoadHtml(System.String) 000000cbd087c720 00007ffcf2cebe45 EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf+ohps.msdu() 000000cbd087c800 00007ffcf2ceb7aa EO.Internal.itsa.vfry[[System.__Canon, mscorlib]](EO.Internal.rqha`1<System.__Canon>) 000000cbd087c920 00007ffcf2ce965b EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdf.ConvertHtml(System.String, EO.Pdf.PdfDocument, EO.Pdf.HtmlToPdfOptions)
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We don't need anything from MS at this point. We need the log with the new build AFTER the problem has already occurred. The log you sent to us last Friday appears to be captured BEFORE the problem has occurred. That log shows everything is running fine and does not contain any information about the problem.
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I was just sharing what information I have. I will get you the information at the earliest.
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I have uploaded the latest error file through the contact us page.
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Hi, The latest log shows that the GPU process crashes frequently. You can try to disable GPU and see if it resolves the issue for you. In order to disable the GPU, you need to run the following line when your application starts:
Code: C#
EO.WebEngine.EngineOptions.Default.DisableGPU = true;
This line must be called before any conversion is triggered. If it is called after a conversion is triggered, then it has no effect. Thanks!