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How to capture webView of particular size with scroll bars included? Options
Posted: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 10:25:34 PM
Rank: Newbie
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Joined: 1/29/2020
Posts: 2
Hi -

Thank you for writing such a useful tool. We have a web application that generates client-side charts and data tables (ag-grid), and we would like to provide our customers with a tool they can use to capture static images of the results for insertion into Powerpoint, etc.

I have been experimenting with EO.WebBrowser and EO.Pdf.

EO.pdf works well, but I think the insertion into Powerpoint would go more smoothly with PNGs.

With EO.WebBrowser, I am using webView.Capture, but I'm struggling with a few things:

1) If I don't specify a size when I call Capture, I am only getting a subset of my chart+data table (even after waiting long enough for everything to be rendered).

2) If I specify a rectangle when I call Capture, I get my chart+data table, but the ag-grid scrollbar is missing, and the result looks odd.

3) If I specify excludeScrollBars:=False in my call to Capture, I get back "Nothing" (and no error is thrown by the call to Capture).

So... I am wondering:

a) Is it possible to call webView.Capture with *both* excludeScrollBars:=False *and* a Rectangle to force the size?

b) Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong when I ask for excludeScrollBars := False?

c) Any ideas on why my call to webView.Capture() with no sizing rectangle doesn't return an image that is the size returned by webView.GetPageSize()?

Sample code below with comments.


Code: Visual Basic.NET
'Create a ThreadRunner object
        Dim threadRunner As New ThreadRunner()

        'Create a WebView through the ThreadRunner
        Dim webView As WebView = threadRunner.CreateWebView()

                              'Load a page, wait up to 3 seconds for the reply

                              ' Check initial size
                              Dim sizeA = webView.GetPageSize() ' Returns 800 x 400

                              ' Wait a few seconds (hack) to confirm chart and data table rendered by Javascript

                              ' Check out size after everything is rendered
                              Dim sizeB = webView.GetPageSize() ' Returns 783 x 821

                              ' SUCCESS but doesn't include all of chart and data table
                              ' Do a capture and have a look at the size in the IDE
                              Dim capture As Object = webView.Capture()
                              Dim size = capture.Size() ' Returns 783 x 400

                              ' SUCCESS but missing scroll bar
                              ' Force a rectangle that is bigger than the chart + data table
                              Dim rect2 As New Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, 1000)
                              Dim capture2 As System.Drawing.Image = webView.Capture(rect2)
                              Dim size2 = capture2.Size() ' Returns 1000 x 1000 as expected
                              capture2.Save("C:\temp\temp2.png", Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)

                              ' FAILURE - capture3 is "Nothing"
                              Dim capture3 As System.Drawing.Image = webView.Capture(excludeScrollBars:=False)
                              ' Throws exception due to capture3 being "Nothing"
                              Dim size3 = capture3.Size()
                          End Function)

Posted: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 10:30:20 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298

There is no easy way for you to do that with EO.WebBrowser. However you might consider rendering the page into PDF first, then use the PdfRender object to render a specific PDF page into PNG file. This way you don't have to use WebView.Capture at all. You can also set HtmlToPdf.Options.GeneratePageImages to get the page images instead of using a PdfRender object.

Posted: Wednesday, January 29, 2020 11:05:20 PM
Rank: Newbie
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Joined: 1/29/2020
Posts: 2
Perfect (PdfRender) - got it working. Thank you for the fast reply!
Posted: Thursday, January 30, 2020 6:24:29 AM
Rank: Administration
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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