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Saving from AJAXUploader Options
Eric T.
Posted: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 12:22:23 PM
Rank: Newbie
Groups: Member

Joined: 6/1/2007
Posts: 6
Am I missing something or is there no .Save() function to actually save the files that are uploaded to a permanent directory with the user's file name? All I have been able to find is the ability to For Each (or otherwise iterate) over the PostedFiles, and then query either the original client name or temp name. I have used Persits Upload and most recently the built-in one with VS.NET 2005, and both provide a function call for Save. Right now this is probably 10 lines of extra code on every save (including checking for uniqueness in the permanent folder), and it's not even in the documentation.

Was this by design or am I missing something?

I'll post a message in the other forum for Enhancements for some other things that I handrolled for Microsoft's version that would be nice to see in yours, but I consider lack of a permanent Save to be more critical.
Posted: Tuesday, June 26, 2007 12:28:23 PM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298
Hi Eric,

The file is already saved for you in TempFileLocation. This is one of the biggest difference between an AJAXUploader and a regular uploader. AJAXUploader saves data into a temp file when the data is received. Regular uploader receives all the data in memory, then requires you to save it.

A few issues have been reported on the uploader control, one of which you have already posted in a previous post. We are working on them and will release an update soon. So you can wait till the update is out and see if that addresses all your need.


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