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Documentation question Options
Posted: Friday, January 18, 2008 7:38:29 AM
Rank: Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 10/15/2007
Posts: 8

I have a question regarding your documentation:

In this section:


EO.Web Controls setup program automatically adds all the controls into Visual Studio 2005's toolbox, however if in any case you need to add them manually, please find detailed steps here.

Visual Studio 2005 automatically supports IntelliSense in HTML design view. However sometimes, especially when the project is a remote project, automatic IntelliSense may stop working and even causes compile error. Please follow these steps to correct the problem:

Follow steps outlined here to add EO.Web controls into GAC;
Add the following line into your web.config inside system.web/compilation/assemblies tag:

<add assembly="EO.Web, Version=version_number, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e92353a6bf73fffc" />


My question is - how do I determine the value to use for version_number?

Posted: Friday, January 18, 2008 7:45:33 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,302
Right click the DLL and then choose properties.

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