Sure, let me try to explain better.
Lets say that you came to my site and moused over the bottom menu item titled "Prospective Members". This would then dropdown a second menu with the options "Oregon" and "Montana", with "Select a region:" to the left of them. In the image I posted above, I have my menu set up as follows for the bottom menu dropdown:
SubMenuItemLeft : Select a region : Oregon : | (this is a separator item) : Montana : SubMenuItemRight
I must apologize, in my previous post I stated that these items were "separator items" but they are in fact regular items.
The SubMenuItemLeft and SubMenuItemRight are items that have CSS classes associated with them as follows:
width: 23px;
height: 40px;
background: url(Images/Menu/BottomMenu_DropDownLeft.gif) no-repeat;
width: 23px;
height: 40px;
background: url(Images/Menu/BottomMenu_DropDownRight.gif) no-repeat;
Page declaration for these menu items:
<eo:MenuItem ItemID="SubMenuItemLeft" NormalStyle-CssClass="BottomMenu_SubMenuItemLeft" HoverStyle-CssClass="BottomMenu_SubMenuItemLeft" />
<eo:MenuItem ItemID="SubMenuItemRight" NormalStyle-CssClass="BottomMenu_SubMenuItemRight" HoverStyle-CssClass="BottomMenu_SubMenuItemRight" />
If the page is left to sit for a bit, then the items titled "SubMenuItemLeft" and "SubMenuItemRight" will actually disappear (i.e. the background image is not displayed) until the browser "re-downloads" them after a short delay. Then they suddenly show up and the menu looks complete.
This is how the bottom menu looks if the images are gone, prior to them reappearing after leaving the menu open for a short time (i.e. 0.5 to 1 second)

Matt L.