The upgrade price = total price - upgrade discount. You can find the total price from the purchase page:
http://www.essentialobjects.com/Purchase.aspx?f=1Click "Buy Now" for the suite option, then change the quantity to 2. The first copy is $349, the second copy is only $249 because of volume discount. So the total price for 2 EO.Web Controls Suite developer license is $598.
To find out how much the upgrade discount is, you can log into your account and click "Upgrade Coupon". On the coupon page, you will see "coupon amount", which is the upgrade discount amount. If you purchased an EO.Web Controls 2007.1 Standard License, your discount amount should be 70% of your purchase amount. For example, if the purchase amount is $189, the discount amount would be $132.3. Apply that to the total price, the final price is $598 - $132.3 = $465.7.
Please feel free to let us know if you have any more questions.