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Can't make submenu icon appear Options
Posted: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 9:04:46 AM
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Joined: 6/11/2007
Posts: 15

I'm using Style 3 and would like a submenu indication. I've tried all I can think of but the submenu icon does not appear.

Can you tell me how to get the DefaulSubmenuIcon to appear?


Posted: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 9:21:42 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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Hi Perry,

DefaultSubMenuIcon only appears on vertical menus. For example, if you create a few sub menu items for Service -> Web Site Design, you would see DefaultSubMenuIcon is displayed next to "Website Design".

The reason that it only displays for vertical menus is because generally sub menu icon for vertical menus and horizontal menus are different (for example, the default sub menu icon for vertical menu is a triangle with the arrow head pointing to the right, but you may want a triangle with arrow head pointing down for main menu bar items). So it's not good to automatically apply the same icon to both vertical and horizontal menu.

In order to display an image next to menu items in horizontal menu group, you can use RighIcon. For example, you can go to Menu Builder, select Look Items -> _TopLevelItem, then change it's RightIcon property (you may need to click "MenuItem" on the toolbar in order to display menu item, instead of sub menu properties). Once you give RightIcon an image, it should shows for every top level menu items.

Please let us know if you have any more questions.


Posted: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 10:01:44 AM
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Perfect - works great.
Mike Wynn
Posted: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:28:25 AM
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Hi, I am having real trouble getting this to work. I have a horizontally aligned menu, and would like to see sub-menu icons appearing in the top group. I am configuring as follows:

<eo:MenuItem Height="15" HoverStyle-CssClass="cmHover" ItemID="_TopLevelItem" NormalStyle-CssClass="cmNormal"
RightIcon-Url="~/Images/arrow_root.gif" SubMenuIcon="RightIcon">
<SubMenu CollapseEffect-Type="GlideTopToBottom" ExpandEffect-Type="GlideTopToBottom"
ItemSpacing="0" OffsetX="-20" OffsetY="8" ShadowDepth="0">
<eo:MenuItem DisabledStyle-CssClass="cmSubDisabled darkBackground" HoverStyle-CssClass="cmSubHover darkBackground"
ItemID="_Default" NormalStyle-CssClass="cmSubNormal darkBackground" RightIcon-Url="~/Images/arrow_sub.gif"
<SubMenu CollapseEffect-Type="GlideTopToBottom" ExpandEffect-Type="GlideTopToBottom"
ItemSpacing="0" ShadowDepth="0">

.. I am getting submenu icons for first level menus, but not for the horizontal top group.
Posted: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 4:50:06 AM
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By default menu does not display sub menu icon for top level items because for most designs that's not the desired effect. So if you leave SubMenuIcon as "Auto", it will be displayed, if you set it to "RightIcon", it won't.

Mike Wynn
Posted: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:08:08 AM
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Posts: 130
Hi, thanks for the reply...

I have already tried that. If I set SubMenuIcon to Auto, I get a sub menu icon rendered regardless of whether the menu item has a sub-menu or not.

Posted: Tuesday, December 11, 2007 5:14:13 AM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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PhilW wrote:
Hi, thanks for the reply...

I have already tried that. If I set SubMenuIcon to Auto, I get a sub menu icon rendered regardless of whether the menu item has a sub-menu or not.


Exactly. :) That is by design. As mentioned earlier, the feature "SubMenuIcon" is not applied to top level item because most people do not want top level items to have a sub menu icon behaving that way. Thus you will need to manually turn on/off the icons for top level items.

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