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I am trying to use your uploading tool but I get the following error message:
Attempted to access a field that is not accessible by the caller. [FieldAccessException: Attempted to access a field that is not accessible by the caller.] System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.PerformVisibilityCheckOnField(IntPtr field, Object target, IntPtr declaringType, FieldAttributes attr, UInt32 invocationFlags) +0 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.InternalGetValue(Object obj, Boolean doVisibilityCheck, Boolean doCheckConsistency) +178 System.Reflection.RtFieldInfo.GetValue(Object obj) +8 EO.Web.Internal.a0.b() +39
Having done a bit of a google it suggests the error is due to the fact that my web host has their servers set to medium security level - something which I can do nothing about. The sites do mention that the reflection have be handled in medium security but we need to make sure that the calling functions have visibility to the fields it is going to access.
to be honest the above is way beyond my knowledge and I suspect is something I cannot control anyway.
Is there a way to get the ap to run on medium trust level on .net 2.0
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,298
Hi Astaroth,
Check if you have eo_web.ashx on the root of your web application. Please copy that file to there if it is not present. I believe that will get rid of the error.
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Joined: 6/18/2007 Posts: 4
Thanks for the quick reply.
The error has now gone but now get an ajax server time out after 20 seconds and the temp directory has a 16 byte file stored
Is there an idiots guide/ very simple VB example file I can look at? The examples that come with the download are far too complicated for me to see what is going on.
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Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,298
Hi Astaroth,
Just try these easy steps:
1. Put an AJAXUploader to the form; 2. Set the uploader's temp directory; 3. Run the page;
No extra code is required and see if it works. Also make sure that you try it locally first, that way is something doesn't work, we can start by looking the difference between your server and your local machine.
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I have done this and it works fine locally (though the progress bar doesnt work in firefox but not that it is a major issue)
This is using the VS test server - shared host runs IIS6
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Hi Astaroth,
We will look into the progress bar issue. Would you mind to let us know the server address so that we can take a look and see if we can find anything? You can PM us if you don't want to post the address in the forum.
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Hi Astaroth,
We got bad news for you. We have researched the issue and there doesn't seem to be possible to have AJAXUploader to run with medium trust. In order to read the raw input stream, ASP.NET requires the caller to have unmanaged permission, which is only granted at full trust level. We will change our software to correctly detect such situation and gives an accurate error message. But there does not seem to have any workaround on this issue except for changing the trust level, which is usually not possible on a shared hosting environment when the hosting company explicitly locks down the trust level.
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Thank you for your assistance.
It is a pity that your component will not work under medium trust
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Yes. It is indeed a pity. However, this only applies to the AJAXUploader control. All other controls should still work under medium trust --- but probably you won't care about them anyway.
Thanks for your help on identifying and getting to the bottom of this issue. At this time we do not beleive AJAX uploading under medium trust is technically possible. We will continue to research to see if there is any possible workaround.
We have also found the cause of status bar issue. The issue will be fixed shortly.