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AjaxUploader - Could ClientFileName property hold the full path? Options
Posted: Monday, November 5, 2007 8:38:45 AM
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Could you please include the full path of the client file name in the ClientFileName property, or alternatively provide another property e.g. ClientFilePath which holds the full path?

The full path is available with the standard ASP.net upload control.

We would like to hold the full path of the original file as in many cases files have the same filename but were in a different directory on the client machine, and it helps users to identify the file later if we can store the full path.


Posted: Monday, November 5, 2007 8:41:37 AM
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Unfortunately no. FireFox doesn't give you that at all.
Posted: Monday, November 5, 2007 8:51:25 AM
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OK it is not available in firefox but is in IE. Most of our users (ie 99%) will be using IE so if we could show at least the IE users the full client path that would be a big benefit for us.
Posted: Monday, November 5, 2007 9:13:19 AM
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We will think about it. We've had different requirement on this one. Some people do not want ClientFileName to return different values on different browsers, because that means more coding for them when they do need to support FireFox. After all as a component vendor, customers expect us to shield the difference between browsers for them.

We probably can add a FullClientFileName property on AJAXPostedFile and mark it as IE only. That way ClientFileName still works in a cross browser way.
Posted: Monday, November 5, 2007 9:59:30 AM
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That would be really useful, having it as a separate property is fine with me. I understand that changing the existing property would impact existing users and cause them problems.
Posted: Monday, November 12, 2007 7:06:55 AM
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Do you have any update on this request? Do you think you will add this feature in a future release?

Posted: Monday, November 12, 2007 7:10:16 AM
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Yes. We have already implemented it in the beta build of our next release. I'll pm you with the download location so that you can take a look if you are interested.
Posted: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 12:48:13 AM
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Excellent, thanks. Do you know when is the next RTM release is scheduled?
Posted: Tuesday, November 13, 2007 4:40:01 AM
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The final release is scheduled at the end of this month.

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