Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 10/12/2007 Posts: 2
Hi EO Firstly thank you for a fine set of controls. I am trying to find a way to stop the progress bar task (runtask) on an error and redirect to another page, is there a way to do this? Please see code comments below:
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Private Sub ProgressBar1_RunTask(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EO.Web.ProgressTaskEventArgs) Handles ProgressBar1.RunTask
If Not lblUploadedFile.Text = String.Empty Then
context.Items.Add("task", "pricing data")
context.Items.Add("process", "Update")
Dim ErrorCode As String = "0"
Dim BackupPath As String = "\DataBackup\Pricing"
'// Back the current table data to a text file
ErrorCode = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Item("ConnString"), "spBackupTable_ToFile", "pricing", BackupPath, ",")
If Not ErrorCode = "0" Then
context.Items.Add("errorcode", "Error backing up current data - " & ErrorCode)
context.Items.Add("error", "true")
'// ** if error then stop the run task process and exit try for redirect to error page
Exit Try
'//Run more code . . . . .
Catch ex As Exception
context.Items.Add("errorcode", "Unspecified error")
context.Items.Add("error", "true")
End Try
'// ** run task cancels, but page not updated and does not process redirect **
Response.Redirect("dbProcessResult.aspx", True)
'Server.Transfer("dbProcessResult.aspx", True)
End If
End Sub
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,301
You can stop the task whenever you want simply by exiting the function. However you won't be able to do Redirect on the server side. The easiest way would be call e.UpdateProgress and use the second parameter to pass a special value to the client (maybe the new page Url, for example), then handle ClientSideOnProgress event and do a client side redirect from there.
Rank: Newbie Groups: Member
Joined: 10/12/2007 Posts: 2
Hi Admin,
Thanks for such a quick reply - do you have a code example that I could follow, or a pointer in the correct direction?
Many thanks.
Rank: Administration Groups: Administration
Joined: 5/27/2007 Posts: 24,301
Yes. Here you go: Server side code:
Code: Visual Basic.NET
Private Sub ProgressBar1_RunTask(
ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EO.Web.ProgressTaskEventArgs)
Handles ProgressBar1.RunTask
....perform other tasks.....
'Now redirect to http://www.essentialobjects.com. UpdateProgress
'itself actually has nothing to do with Redirect. It only passes the
'target Url to the client side, the client side code then perform the
e.UpdateProgress(50, "http://www.essentialobjects.com")
End Sub
Client Side Code:
Code: JavaScript
//This function is associated with the progress bar
//through the progress bar's ClientSideOnValueChanged
function on_progress(progressBar)
//The second argument of UpdateProgress is passed to
'the client and can be retrieved by getExtraData
var url = progressBar.getExtraData();
//Perform the redirection
if (url)
window.open(url, "_self");
ClientSideOnValueChanged="on_progress" .....>
That should get you going. Thanks