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For one of our client we need to provide the sliding menu functionality in the site created for MOSS 2007, we would be writing the webpart and assigning the sitemap datasource to slide menu control. I downloaded the trial version of your control and seen the demo. I would like to purchase the component but before that I want to make sure if I deploy it in MOSS it does not create any issues.
I tried deploying webpart with the trail version dll but it displays an errors saying for using the sitemap datasource you need a license. I check in your site and came to know that you provide temporarily license file for you to fully evaluate the product in both development environment and production environment. Can you please send me the same, I would like to test and buy the component today only.
Thanks, Viren
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Hi Viren,
Thanks for interested in our controls. In order to issue a trial license, we would need you to provide the domain name that you will be using. Please send us a private message with that information and we will issue a two weeks trial license for you.
The trial license helps you to remove the license warning message. There are no restrictions on the control set themselves. So if you see any functionality issue, it won't have anything to do with the license.
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Hi Thanks for your qucik reply.
I will send you the code of webpart which we are writing and the message we are getting, please help us with the sample webpart code and sitemap file so that we can resolve the issue as I have to finish the deployment sooner than later.
Thanks, Viren
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Hi Viren,
If you have a specific issue with our SlideMenu, we would be glad to help. But we actually do not code for our users. So we will not be able to help you on the webpart. There are no difference between a regular page and a webpart as far as for our controls concerns. Since we have already supplied many samples and detailed documentation on various features, we would expect you to start from there. We will help you to understand a specific feature and how to use them, but we would appreciate if you can understand that our support won't be able to go beyond that.
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Hi, Here is the code of the custom webpart that i write for leftnavigation using your slidemenu control. /********************************************************************** Dim mnuSlide As EO.Web.SlideMenu = New EO.Web.SlideMenu mnuSlide.ControlSkinID = "Style" mnuSlide.DataSourceID = "SiteMapDataSource1" mnuSlide.KeepExpandedOnClick = True mnuSlide.SingleExpand = False mnuSlide.ExpandEmptyPane = True mnuSlide.Width = 220 mnuSlide.Height = 600 mnuSlide.Enabled = True mnuSlide.SlideEffectType = SlideMenuEffect.Glide mnuSlide.ID = "SlideMenu1" mnuSlide.LookItems.TopGroup.ItemID = "_TopGroup" mnuSlide.LookItems.TopGroup.SubMenu.LeftIconCellWidth = 10 mnuSlide.LookItems.TopGroup.SubMenu.Style.CssText = "border-right: 1px solid; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; border-left: #beb6a4 1px solid; cursor: hand; color: #4a4a44; font-family: verdana" 'mnuSlideMenu.LookItems.TopGroup.SubMenu.Style.BackColor = 320235 mnuSlide.LookItems.TopLevelItem.ItemID = "_TopLevelItem" mnuSlide.LookItems.TopLevelItem.Height = 30 mnuSlide.LookItems.TopLevelItem.Image.Mode = MenuItemImages.ImageMode.ItemBackground mnuSlide.LookItems.TopLevelItem.Image.Url = "00000600" mnuSlide.LookItems.TopLevelItem.SubMenu.LeftIconCellWidth = 10 mnuSlide.LookItems.TopLevelItem.SubMenu.Style.CssText = "color:#555544;font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;font-weight:normal;" mnuSlide.Visible = True mnuSlide.Orientation = EO.Web.Orientation.Vertical mnuSlide.ExpandOnClick = ExpandOnClickState.EnabledAlways Controls.Add(mnuSlide) *******************************************************************/ When i deploy the webpart, i get the message "SlideMenu ctl00_PlaceHolderLeftNavBarDataSource_LeftNavWebPart1_SlideMenu1 requires a license. You can purchase a license from http://www.essentialobjects.com/Order.aspx. Please refresh the page to continue. More on license." and when i refresh the page, the warning goes away but the menu doesn't get loaded. Please let me know if anything else needs to be added in the above code and also i would like to know 1) How to see the error logs, 2) Can you provide me with a sample web part code for slide menu to test the feature on MOSS 2007. Thanks in advance, Viren.
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Thanks, I am just trying to figure out where I am doing wrong. I created a sample aspx page and it worked. Now when I tried the it in webpart it gives me an error. Not sure where exactly the things are going wrong.
Thanks, Viren
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Hi Viren,
Our controls are a standard ASP.NET server controls, so it's not likely that this has anything to do MOSS. When you don't see the error message, the controls are actually correctly loaded --- except for that you do not have any menu items. In that case you would check your site map. Also you can try to call mnuSlide.DataBind and see if it helps.
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I tried to bind the datasource using mnuSlide.DataBind() and when i deploy the webpart, i get the exception
[HttpException (0x80004005): The DataSourceID of 'SlideMenu1' must be the ID of a data source control. A control with ID 'CurrentNav' could not be found.] EO.Web.DataBoundControl.c() +122 EO.Web.BaseNavigator.a() +14 EO.Web.BaseNavigator.b() +11 EO.Web.BaseNavigator.e() +110 EO.Web.DataBoundControl.OnDataBinding(EventArgs e) +55 EO.Web.BaseNavigator.DataBind() +28
Note: This is the same data source ID that i use for the standard ASP.Net Menu and it works fine there. Is there any other way to set the SiteMapDataSource?
Thanks, Viren.
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Hi Viren,
No. That's the only way to set DataSource control. We use the following logic to find the data source control (pseduo C# code):
object obj = SlideMenu1.NamingContainer.FindControl("CurrentNav"); if (obj == null) throw error;
IHierarchicalDataSource ds = obj as IHierarchicalDataSource; if (ds == null) throw error;
Also, the error message indicates that you supplied an ID of "CurrentNav"; Your source code indicates the ID of the DataSource control is "SiteMapDataSource1". So something might have changed somewhere in your code.
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I got the resolution to the previous error, instead of setting the DatasourceID I set Datasource property. Now the second thing I want is when a particular menuitem is clicked and the new page is loaded it should display the the selected menuitem and in the expanded form. I tried using the onItemClick event in my master page and I set the RaisesServerEvent to true. But the event is not firing? Please let me know where I am going wrong?
Thanks, Viren
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Hi Viren, SlideMenu does not fire server event if you have NavigateUrl set, because for a server side event to be fired, you must post back to the same page. Obviously NavigateUrl navigates to another page, that's why it won't fire server side event. The easiest way for you to automatically dislay the selected menu item is to set AutoSelectSource to NavigateUrl: http://www.essentialobjects.com/ViewDoc.aspx?t=EO.Web.BaseNavigator.AutoSelectSource.htmlMake sure you also set SelectedStyle. Otherwise the menu item won't look any different even if it is actually selected. Thanks
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Thanks, this worked for me. Now, I am trying to set the RightIcon property for the menuitem that has submenu items under it. but when I set the righticon field with an image url it is displaying image for all the menuitems not for ones that has menu in it. I am not getting the clue on how I can set this, can you please provide some inputs to resolve this.
Thanks, Viren
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Hi Viren, You might be setting RightIcon on the look item. It's obvious that whatever you set on the look item will get copied into all menu items that uses that look item because that's the purpose of look item. If you want each item have different images, you would need to set them on menu item. There are two ways to set them on menu item when using data binding. One way is to use DataBinding object. The other way is to handle ItemDataBound event. More details here: http://www.essentialobjects.com/ViewDoc.aspx?t=MenuCommon%2fDataBinding%2fpopulate_datasource.htmlhttp://www.essentialobjects.com/ViewDoc.aspx?t=MenuCommon%2fHandlingEvent%2fserver_event.htmlThanks
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I tried the above solution and it worked for me, the next thing I was trying to set the border just in the bottom of each menuitem, I don't want to set it for the submenus. Can you please tell me how to do this? I want a separator line or image in between the menuitems.
Thanks, Viren
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Viren wrote:Hi,
I tried the above solution and it worked for me, the next thing I was trying to set the border just in the bottom of each menuitem, I don't want to set it for the submenus. Can you please tell me how to do this? I want a separator line or image in between the menuitems.
Thanks, Viren Hi Viren, The document explained these settings in great detail. Please take a look in EO.Web Slide Menu -> Using EO.Web Slide Menu -> Style and Appearance. Thanks
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I tried going through the help but not able to find out the solution for 3 things, 1. How to add image in the border instead of solid line? 2. Selected style for submenu items. 3. How to make border grooved, I set the Border style but its not coming
Can you please tell me how to do this?
Thanks, Viren
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Hi Viren,
As for your question:
1. I am not sure what you mean by "adding image in the border". The border is always a line, although can be of many kind of lines. Images never has anything to do with borders; 2. Most of the time when you have problem with SelectedStyle for sub menu items, it's not because you didn't set the style correctly. It's because you didn't set the menu item's into "Selected" state. Menu item never goes into "Selected" state automatically unless you have AutoSelectSource set. If you do have it set, you would need to check EO.Web Slide Menu -> Using EO.Web Slide Menu -> Look, Skin and Theme for details about how "look item" works. Most of the time is because you didn't set SelectedStyle on the correct look item; 3. You rarely "groove" menu item border. When there is a "groove" on one menu item, you will see two grooves between two adjacent menu items. Usually you would use different color for top border and bottom border, that way when the bottom border of the previous item and the top border of the next item sits together, the two borders forms a groove;
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Thanks, I am still working on it to figure out how these can be set in combination. Can you please tell me how to set the indentation for the submenu item and remove borders in the submeny?
Thanks, Viren
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Hi Viren,
Please take a look of topics under EO.Web Menu -> Understanding Built-in styles. There are a few topics explaining how several built-in templates are implemented. You can read those and play with the corresponding template (note they are Menu, not Slide Menu) and you will see how they work. Rather than that, I am not sure how I can answer your questions because all the basic elements have already been covered in great detail in the help file, the combinations, however, is almost infinite. So there is no way I can provide you a combination everytime you run into something. You will have to be able to mix them by yourself. Those sample topics should give you a good idea of how to mix them.