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Browser compatibility issues Options
Posted: Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:01:07 PM
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Joined: 6/7/2007
Posts: 4
Using Firefox, the eo.webmenu control displays in a vertical align,ment instead of horizontally. Works nicely in IE 7.

In your "10 Reasons to choose us", you advertise that "Wide cross-browser support. EO.Web Controls support IE 5.0+, Netscape 6.2+, Mozilla 1.2+, Firefox 1.0+, Opera 7.2+ and Safari 1.2+; "

Please advise.
Posted: Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:05:16 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298
You mean you created a menu that would appear as a vertical menu in FireFox but a horizontal menu in IE? Please post your menu definition and we would be glad to find out what's wrong.
Posted: Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:26:04 PM
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Posts: 4
This is an ASP.NET 2.0 app written in VS05.
I believe this is what you're asking for:

Private Sub BuildMenu(ByVal col As EO.Web.MenuItemCollection, ByVal mnu As webapp.MenuItem)
Dim oItems As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of webapp.MenuItem)
Dim oMnu As New MenuManager
Static oStyleMgr As New StyleManager
If mnu Is Nothing Then
oItems = oMnu.GetMenuItems(0)
oItems = mnu.Items
End If

If oItems.Count > 0 Then
For Each mi As webapp.MenuItem In oItems
Dim sUrl As String = mi.NavigateTo
Dim o As New EO.Web.MenuItem()
o.NavigateUrl = sUrl
o.Text.Html = mi.Text
If mi.Level = 0 Then
o.NormalStyle.CssClass = String.Format("{0}_normal", mi.StyleCode)
o.HoverStyle.CssClass = String.Format("{0}_hover", mi.StyleCode)
o.SelectedStyle.CssClass = String.Format("{0}_selected", mi.StyleCode)
o.Width = 100
'build leftNav
If mi.SectionID = CurrentSection.ID Then
o.Selected = True
End If

o.NormalStyle.CssClass = String.Format("{0}_drop_normal", mi.StyleCode)
o.HoverStyle.CssClass = String.Format("{0}_drop_hover", mi.StyleCode)
o.SelectedStyle.CssClass = String.Format("{0}_drop_selected", mi.StyleCode)
End If

End If

End Sub
Posted: Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:26:47 PM
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Posts: 4
Disregard the Left nav stuff.
Posted: Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:37:33 PM
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Joined: 5/27/2007
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That part only creates menu item and it looks fine to me. That only thing that I can not tell is the CssClass that you are using.

Try to temprorarily replace BuildMenu with some code that hardcodes a few menu items and do not use
your MenuManager and StyleManager. A lot of times even if everything is taken care of in our menu to generates correct DHTMLs based on the type of the browsers, different browsers can still interpret CSS class you provided very differently.

Let us know if that is the case.
Posted: Thursday, June 7, 2007 1:55:33 PM
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Posts: 4
You were dead on target. There was a minor css tweak necessary. I greatly appreciate your quick and accurate deduction.

You've made me happy and I am going to look at EO for more tools in the future.
Posted: Thursday, June 7, 2007 2:00:21 PM
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Our pleasure. Please feel free to let us know if there is anything else.
Posted: Monday, June 11, 2007 2:38:54 PM
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Joined: 6/11/2007
Posts: 15
Scott, you will find EO's support to be fantastic. I've received replies from them late at night, on weekends, and on holidays.

(unsolicited comments)

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