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Editable Calendar: problem in splitting each day box into 2 - AM & PM Options
Danny Chok
Posted: Saturday, August 25, 2007 3:39:53 AM
Rank: Member
Groups: Member

Joined: 8/16/2007
Posts: 10

I am still working on the e-leave app. Referring to the screen here http://www.sendspace.com/file/qmd42a, I need to split each day box into 2 - am & pm

My idea was, after user has chosen "am" radio button in the popup window (a modified Edit Pad popup), I will create 2 tables in each day box in the DayRender event (originally there was 1 table in each day), "am" table will be filled, while "pm" table will be empty, user can later click to add "pm" leave request:

<table id=""" & dayId & "am"" onClick=""EditUserInput('" & dayId & "am');"">"
<table id=""" & dayId & "pm"" onClick=""EditUserInput('" & dayId & "pm');"">"

However, I found that there is always 1 table only. I have checked the "View Source" in IE, it shows the original <table id="2007_08_25" onClick=... ) where both the <table id="2007_08_25am"... and <table id="2007_08_25pm".. tables are not created.

I went to trace the code in debug mode, I am sure the statements to create these tables are already executed, and eventually the e.Writer.Write(html) writes the HTML output containing both am & pm tables.

What's wrong??

Posted: Saturday, August 25, 2007 6:23:57 AM
Rank: Administration
Groups: Administration

Joined: 5/27/2007
Posts: 24,298
Hi Danny,

The problem is definitely in your code. There is no reason that you write A but it shows up as B. Remember that the ID you see ("2007_08_25") is created by code. Whatever ID shows up, regardless correct or wrong, comes from your code. As such I do not believe that parameter "html" has the correct value when you call e.Write. You might still have some problem with string.Format.


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