Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Web
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.Wpf
- Common Topics
- Reference
- .NET API Reference
- EO.Base
- EO.Base.UI
- EO.Extensions
- EO.Pdf
- EO.Pdf.Acm
- EO.Pdf.Contents
- EO.Pdf.Drawing
- EO.Pdf.Mvc
- EO.Web
- EO.Web
- Classes
- AJAXPostedFile Class
- AJAXPostedFileList Class
- AJAXUploader Class
- AJAXUploaderProgressDialog Class
- BaseMenuItem Class
- BaseMenuItemGroup Class
- BaseNavigator Class
- BorderImages Class
- ButtonColumn Class
- Calendar Class
- Calendar Class
- Calendar Members
- Calendar Constructor
- Properties
- Properties
- AbbreviatedDayNames Property
- AbbreviatedMonthNames Property
- AllowMultiSelect Property
- AutoPostbackOnScroll Property
- AutoPostbackOnSelect Property
- CalendarStyle Property
- ClientSideOnChange Property
- ClientSideOnScroll Property
- ClientSideOnSelect Property
- DayCellHeight Property
- DayCellSpacing Property
- DayCellWidth Property
- DayHeaderFormat Property
- DayHeaderStyle Property
- DayHeaderVisible Property
- DayHoverStyle Property
- DayNames Property
- DayStyle Property
- DisabledDates Property
- DisabledDayStyle Property
- DisableWeekendDays Property
- EnableOtherMonthDays Property
- FirstDayOfWeek Property
- FirstMonth Property
- FooterTemplate Property
- GridLineColor Property
- GridLineFrameVisible Property
- GridLineVisible Property
- LastMonth Property
- MaxValidDate Property
- MinValidDate Property
- MonthColumns Property
- MonthGridLineColor Property
- MonthGridLineFrameVisible Property
- MonthGridLineVisible Property
- MonthNames Property
- MonthRows Property
- MonthSelectorHtml Property
- MonthSelectorImageHeight Property
- MonthSelectorImageUrl Property
- MonthSelectorImageWidth Property
- MonthSelectorStyle Property
- MonthSelectorVisible Property
- MonthStyle Property
- MonthTitleStyle Property
- MonthTitleVisible Property
- MultiSelectModifier Property
- OtherMonthDayStyle Property
- OtherMonthDayVisible Property
- OutOfRangeDayStyle Property
- SelectedDate Property
- SelectedDates Property
- SelectedDateString Property
- SelectedDayStyle Property
- SwapDuration Property
- SwapStyle Property
- TitleArrowDownStyle Property
- TitleArrowHoverStyle Property
- TitleArrowImageHeight Property
- TitleArrowImageWidth Property
- TitleArrowStyle Property
- TitleFormat Property
- TitleLeftArrowDownImageUrl Property
- TitleLeftArrowHoverImageUrl Property
- TitleLeftArrowHtml Property
- TitleLeftArrowImageUrl Property
- TitleRangeSeparator Property
- TitleRightArrowDownImageUrl Property
- TitleRightArrowHoverImageUrl Property
- TitleRightArrowHtml Property
- TitleRightArrowImageUrl Property
- TitleStyle Property
- TitleTemplate Property
- TitleTemplateScope Property
- TitleVisible Property
- TodayHoverStyle Property
- TodayStyle Property
- VisibleDate Property
- WaitMessage Property
- WeekendDayHoverStyle Property
- WeekendDayStyle Property
- WeekNumberBase Property
- WeekSelectorHtml Property
- WeekSelectorImageHeight Property
- WeekSelectorImageUrl Property
- WeekSelectorImageWidth Property
- WeekSelectorStyle Property
- WeekSelectorVisible Property
- Methods
- Events
- CalendarDay Class
- Callback Class
- CallbackEventArgs Class
- CallbackPanel Class
- CallbackTrigger Class
- CallbackTriggerCollection Class
- Captcha Class
- CheckBoxColumn Class
- ClientTemplate Class
- ColorPicker Class
- ComboBox Class
- Consts Class
- ContextMenu Class
- Control Class
- ControlFrame Class
- CustomColumn Class
- CustomItem Class
- DataBinding Class
- DataBindingCollection Class
- DataBoundControl Class
- DateCollection Class
- DatePicker Class
- DateTimeColumn Class
- DayRenderEventArgs Class
- DefaultClientTemplateAttribute Class
- DeleteCommandColumn Class
- DesignOptions Class
- Dialog Class
- Downloader Class
- DownloadEventArgs Class
- DynamicDownloadContent Class
- EditableLabel Class
- EditCommandColumn Class
- Editor Class
- EditorDialogContent Class
- EditorDialogContentCollection Class
- EditorDialogTemplate Class
- EditorDialogTemplateCollection Class
- EditorStyle Class
- EditorStyleCollection Class
- EditorTabButtonStyles Class
- Effect Class
- ElementPaddings Class
- ElementStyle Class
- Emoticon Class
- FileExplorer Class
- FileExplorerEventArgs Class
- FileExplorerHolder Class
- Floater Class
- Flyout Class
- FontInfo Class
- Grid Class
- GridCell Class
- GridCellCollection Class
- GridColumn Class
- GridColumnCollection Class
- GridColumnEventArgs Class
- GridCommandEventArgs Class
- GridItem Class
- GridItemCollection Class
- GridItemEventArgs Class
- GridItemStyleSet Class
- GridItemStyleSetCollection Class
- ImageButtonInfo Class
- ImageInfo Class
- ImageZoom Class
- InlineStyle Class
- ListBox Class
- ListBoxItem Class
- ListBoxItemCollection Class
- ListBoxItemContainer Class
- ListItemEventArgs Class
- LookItemCollection Class
- MaskedEdit Class
- MaskedEditColumn Class
- MaskedEditSegment Class
- MaskedEditSegmentCollection Class
- MaskedEditValidator Class
- Menu Class
- MenuGroup Class
- MenuItem Class
- MenuItemCollection Class
- MenuItemImages Class
- MenuLookItemCollection Class
- MsgBox Class
- MsgBoxButton Class
- MultiPage Class
- MultiPageEventArgs Class
- NavigationItem Class
- NavigationItemCollection Class
- NavigationItemEventArgs Class
- NavigationItemGroup Class
- NavigationItemImages Class
- NavigationItemText Class
- PageContextMenu Class
- PageView Class
- PageViewCollection Class
- PathMapping Class
- PathMappingCollection Class
- PopupCalendar Class
- ProgressBar Class
- ProgressTaskEventArgs Class
- RangeSlider Class
- Rating Class
- RowNumberColumn Class
- Runtime Class
- ScriptEvent Class
- ScriptManager Class
- Slide Class
- SlideItem Class
- SlideItemCollection Class
- SlideItemEventArgs Class
- SlideMenu Class
- Slider Class
- SliderBase Class
- SliderLabel Class
- SliderLabelCollection Class
- SpecialLookIDs Class
- SpellChecker Class
- SpellCheckerDialog Class
- SpellCheckerEventArgs Class
- Splitter Class
- SplitterPane Class
- StaticColumn Class
- TabItem Class
- TabItemCollection Class
- TabItemGroup Class
- TabLookItemCollection Class
- TabStrip Class
- TemplatedPopup Class
- TextBoxColumn Class
- ToolBar Class
- ToolBarEventArgs Class
- ToolBarItem Class
- ToolBarItemCollection Class
- ToolTip Class
- TreeLookNodeCollection Class
- TreeNode Class
- TreeNodeCheckStateChangedEventArgs Class
- TreeNodeCollection Class
- TreeNodeGroup Class
- TreeNodeMovedEventArgs Class
- TreeNodeRenameEventArgs Class
- TreeView Class
- TreeViewCheckBoxImages Class
- TreeViewLineImages Class
- TreeViewMargin Class
- WebControl Class
- WebControlBase Class
- Structures
- Enumerations
- Delegates
- EO.WebBrowser
- EO.WebBrowser.DOM
- EO.WebEngine
- EO.WinForm
- EO.Wpf
- EO.Wpf.Gauge
- EO.Wpf.Gauge.Shapes
- EO.Wpf.Primitives
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Aero
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Classic
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Luna
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Metro
- EO.Wpf.Themes.Royale
- JavaScript API Reference
- .NET API Reference
TitleFormat Property |
Gets or sets the string to specify date format to display for the title section.

Use this property to specify date format to display for the title section. For example, set this property to "MMMM yyyy" displays "January 2007" as month title.
You can use the following Custom DateTime Format Specifier to specify the title format.Specifier | Description |
d | Displays the current day of the month, measured as a number between 1 and 31, inclusive. If the day is a single digit only (1-9), then it is displayed as a single digit. |
dd | Displays the current day of the month, measured as a number between 1 and 31, inclusive. If the day is a single digit only (1-9), it is formatted with a preceding 0 (01-09). |
ddd | Displays the abbreviated name of the day for the specified DateTime. If specified, AbbreviatedDayNames property is used, otherwise, default is used. |
dddd | Displays the full name of the day for the specified DateTime. If specified, DayNames property is used, otherwise, default is used. |
M | Displays the month, measured as a number between 1 and 12, inclusive. If the month is a single digit (1-9), it is displayed as a single digit. |
MM | Displays the month, measured as a number between 1 and 12, inclusive. If the month is a single digit (1-9), it is formatted with a preceding 0 (01-09). |
MMM | Displays the abbreviated name of the month for the specified DateTime. If specified, AbbreviatedMonthNames property is used, otherwise, default is used. |
MMMM | Displays the full name of the month for the specified DateTime. If specified, MonthNames property is used, otherwise, default is used. |
y | Displays the year for the specified DateTime as a maximum two-digit number. The first two digits of the year are omitted. If the year is a single digit (1-9), it is displayed as a single digit. |
yy | Displays the year for the specified DateTime as a maximum two-digit number. The first two digits of the year are omitted. If the year is a single digit (1-9), it is formatted with a preceding 0 (01-09). |
yyyy | Displays the year for the specified DateTime, including the century. If the year is less than four digits in length, then preceding zeros are appended as necessary to make the displayed year four digits long. |